I found my next book: The End of Absence by Michael Harris. Harris argues "that amid all the changes we’re experiencing, the most interesting is the one that future generations will find hardest to grasp. That is the end of absence—the loss of lack...There’s no true “free time” when you carry a smartphone. Today’s rarest commodity is the chance to be alone with your own thoughts."
I love this space – how technology and always-on lifestyles affect the mind and more broadly society and specific generations. The unfathomable number of articles tend to focus on every aspect of tech-native Millennials, but what’s often overlooked is the fact Boomers and Gen Xers experienced the same exponential growth of technology. Yet, Boomers and Gen Xers are also unique and know a world without the internet. And let’s not forget, Boomers and GenXers created the technology and vast majority of products being used by Millennials. What generation in today's world is truly tech-native or tech-savvy?
When it comes to CX, brands and products need to strike the right online and offline engagement with customers. Trendless – powered by a Gen Xer that’s experience life with and without the internet – will create a customized thinkTrendless strategic instrument that finds the right balance of physical and digital touchpoints. Touchpoints that best amplify your brand and product with your target customers to create superior holistic customer experiences.
thinkTrendless, Jeff